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A Tale of two Commutes
Last week, I commuted into both Manchester and London.
The experiences reveal why most UK cities have low productivity - and what needs to be done to deliver economic growth again
Let’s reduce inefficiency by embracing inefficiency
Company restructures often aim to weed out inefficiency. Too often, they make it worse…
How Much Does Franchising Cost?
Bus franchising is seen as the answer, but it's not free. How much does it cost, and what does it solve?
The National Transport Strategy
It’s all very well having strategies for each mode. But what ties them all together?
The ringways that nearly destroyed inner London
Ringways nearly destroyed vast swathes of London and blighted 1 million homes
Mobility isn’t software
MaaS won’t revolutionise transport because transport economics are different from software economics
The Williams Review review
Williams-Shapps has a lot going for it, but neither political nor budgetary success are guaranteed
Will the guiding mind be New Network Rail?
Have you ever used a hedge trimmer to make jam? No? So don’t put Network Rail in charge of train fares.
The “Guiding mind”
The "Guiding Mind" is meant to ensure that train companies focus on the customer. But will the "Guiding Mind" itself be focused on the customer?
Bets on the future
No-one can predict the future. Maybe corporate business case processes should reflect this
What does Boris want?
London has a London Plan. So why doesn’t Britain have a Britain Plan?
£1bn says flying taxis are the future
$billions are being invested in flying taxis. Something's going to happen, but what?
Is Transport for the North Doomed?
Is TfN too big to succeed, too remote to be loved and at risk of flopping as a result?
Leon Daniels on the National Bus Strategy
After a momentous week for the bus industry, I get together with Leon Daniels to talk over what on earth happened
National Bus Strategy: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
That’s lots to like in the National Bus Strategy