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Transport Thomas Transport Thomas

Accountability: Passenger Railway Governance

Inevitably, humans being what they are, a consultation issued by the Government proposes that the accountability mechanism for a business owned by the Government should be the Government, with the assistance of a watchdog appointed by the Government.

Here’s how we can keep all the good stuff in the consultation but tighten up accountability a bit.

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Transport Thomas Transport Thomas

A Tale of two Commutes

Last week, I commuted into both Manchester and London.

The experiences reveal why most UK cities have low productivity - and what needs to be done to deliver economic growth again

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Transport Thomas Transport Thomas

The Transport Productivity Puzzle

London is one of the highest productivity cities in Europe, and has some of the best transport.

Other cities in Britain are some of the lowest productivity, and have the worst transport.

Seems obvious these things are linked... but how to prove it?

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