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These are the best Transport films ever made
The best films (involving transport) ever made
Active travel
The Government's cycling strategy is ambitious, visionary, detailed, intelligent… and largely unfunded
How corporates can work better with startups
Startups can add a lot of value to corporates, but they need to adjust how they work to make it work
Could service integration make DRT viable?
Integrating multiple services may be the best chance of making DRT viable
Let’s talk about spacs
Will SPACS herald a wave of well-capitalised, well-disciplined listed startups providing innovation and disruption to transport?
Sir Michael Holden on the Williams Review
Now we finally know what the Williams Shapps Plan says, I get together with Sir MIchael Holden to discuss it
The Williams Review review
Williams-Shapps has a lot going for it, but neither political nor budgetary success are guaranteed
Will the guiding mind be New Network Rail?
Have you ever used a hedge trimmer to make jam? No? So don’t put Network Rail in charge of train fares.
The “Guiding mind”
The "Guiding Mind" is meant to ensure that train companies focus on the customer. But will the "Guiding Mind" itself be focused on the customer?
The Class 800 debacle
Railway customers had a bad week. It wasn’t just Hitachi: it was also down to historic systems, processes and culture - and these things can be changed
Bets on the future
No-one can predict the future. Maybe corporate business case processes should reflect this
Giles Fearnley on Entrepreneurship and Groups
Giles Fearnley on entrepreneurship in transport, what generates growth and the future role of the big bus groups.
The future’s bright, the future’s red
Smart Cities have put transport on the front-line of the next decade's cultural clash with China
Rail: What happens in a world without business travel?
Train companies are facing a financial crisis. New solutions to fares and pricing are essential to fill the hole left by business travellers.
What does Boris want?
London has a London Plan. So why doesn’t Britain have a Britain Plan?
Irish Border difficult? Just wait for the Scottish border!
Scottish independence would make the Scottish <> English border almost unworkable
Lilian Greenwood on politics and select committees
Lilian Greenwood is one of the few politicians to have made transport a speciality. We talk about her time both as Shadow Minister and Chair of the Select Committee
“Hey google, Who’s In Charge?”
Google has become the digital front door to public transport. Time to take back control