All BLOG posts
The National Transport Strategy
It’s all very well having strategies for each mode. But what ties them all together?
Will Lane Rental solve roadworks?
Lane Rental could make a big difference to roadworks. But not as currently designed.
Bus strategy looks set to under-deliver
The bus strategy risks underwhelming. But it can be saved with time and money.
The transport Decarbonisation plan won’t decarbonise transport
The decarbonisation plan is, sadly, fatally flawed
PSVAR is a masterclass in sloppy legislation
Detailed wording matters. PSVAR has failed both operators and disabled users
Where is the National Roads Strategy?
We have strategies for buses, bikes and trains. But what about where most journeys happen; roads?
Bus Back Better: Mission Impossible or Never say never?
BSIP guidance is sweeping and ambitious. But it's also hyper-centralised and silent on the funding
Active travel
The Government's cycling strategy is ambitious, visionary, detailed, intelligent… and largely unfunded
Sir Michael Holden on the Williams Review
Now we finally know what the Williams Shapps Plan says, I get together with Sir MIchael Holden to discuss it
The Williams Review review
Williams-Shapps has a lot going for it, but neither political nor budgetary success are guaranteed
Will the guiding mind be New Network Rail?
Have you ever used a hedge trimmer to make jam? No? So don’t put Network Rail in charge of train fares.
The “Guiding mind”
The "Guiding Mind" is meant to ensure that train companies focus on the customer. But will the "Guiding Mind" itself be focused on the customer?
Bets on the future
No-one can predict the future. Maybe corporate business case processes should reflect this
Rail: What happens in a world without business travel?
Train companies are facing a financial crisis. New solutions to fares and pricing are essential to fill the hole left by business travellers.
What does Boris want?
London has a London Plan. So why doesn’t Britain have a Britain Plan?
Train fares don’t make sense. Now’s the time to fix them
The Covid crisis creates an opportunity to reform fares while demand is suppressed. The Williams Review must grab this opportunity
Visiting the grandparents
What did visiting the grandparents teach me? That suburban housing literally designs buses out of the picture