All BLOG posts
Road pricing is more important than ever
Road pricing is the most important issue in public transport. And it gets more critical daily
We’ve always had road pricing. Why are we abolishing it?
Turnpikes and fuel tax mean that we’ve always charged for use of roads. We mustn’t stop now.
Lessons from Los Angeles
LA had the world’s best public transport network. But it was killed by politics and lack of vision
A Citizens’ Assembly for Road Pricing?
Citizens’ Assemblies unlocked gay marriage and abortion in Ireland. Could they do they do the same for road pricing here?
What a difference a word makes
The interim report of the Union Connectivity Review does a good job in avoiding Boris's vanity projects and corrupt data
Budget 2021: Let’s stop fighting the last war
The Tories are never going to put up fuel tax. So instead of fighting the wrong battles, make the case for road pricing
What should be in the national bus strategy? PART 2
The bus strategy should focus on getting more people onto buses. Sounds obvious really…
What should be in the national bus strategy? PART 1
Why the bus strategy mustn’t be all about buses
My Road Pricing submission to the Select Committee
My road pricing submission to the Transport Select Committee
Why NOW must be the moment for road pricing
Road pricing has the potential to transform everything. And the conditions have never been more favourable.