Colin Knight on Reinventing the Tram
This week I’m joined by a council officer. But no ordinary council officer. Colin Knight is doing something extraordinary: working with scientists and automotive engineers to develop an entirely new form of transport.
When challenged by his political masters to reduce the costs of a new tram network for Coventry, Colin realised that the only way to achieve a step-change was to reinvent trams from the ground up. Literally. He has formed a team that has reinvented the both tracks and vehicles.
He joins me on The Freewheeling Podcast to tell me what they’ve done, why they’ve done it and what will happen next with the monumentally ambitious project known as Very Light Rail.
Vernon Everitt on Pace of Progress in Manchester
Vernon Everitt is Commissioner for Greater Manchester at a time of transformational change.
On this week’s Freewheeling Podcast, we talk about how much has been done, what’s left to do, why Manchester has been able to move at such pace and whether there are obstacles holding them back.
Katie-Lee English on The Treasury
How does the Treasury work?
How does the Treasury think?
it's time to find out!
Katie-Lee English knows all about the Treasury and reveals all
Daniel Knowles on Why Cars Make Life worse
Daniel Knowles is Midwest Editor of the Economist and author of Carmaggedon: Why Cars Make Life Worse And What To Do About It. He tells me the story of why cars are bad not just for pedestrians but for the owners of them as well.
Season Two Preview
Almost three years to the day since the previous episode of The Freewheeling Podcast, I'm thrilled to tell you that I'll be back later this week to start Season Two.
We've got a great series coming up, starting on Thursday with Daniel Knowles, author of Carmaggedon. It's a fascinating conversation - please do join me!
Chris Stark on Hitting Net Zero
The Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee (the body responsible for setting Britain’s national carbon budgets and reporting on progress to Parliament) talks transport
Angela Hultberg on the Climate Conference
Climate Champion for road transportation on COP26 and what the Glasgow conference will achieve
Andrew Haines on Great British Railways
The Chief Executive of Network Rail joins me to discuss the creation of Great British Railways
Professor Jillian Anable on the Future of Cars
What does an “inspirational pessimist” think of the future of cars?
End of Season wrap-up
The Freewheeling Podcast has been live for six months, so let’s look back at some of the key episodes from the first season
Simon Munk on Cycling campaigns
13 years ago, Simon Munk decided to take local councillors on a bike ride to show just how dangerous roads were for cyclists.
Without knowing it, he'd started a revolution. He tells his fascinating story as this week’s guest.
Patrick Warner on Decarbonisation
As the Government publishes its decarbonisation plan, lets talk to Patrick Warner (Head of Innovation at Brighton & Hove and Bus Decarbonisation lead at Liverpool City Region) about the virtues of hydrogen
Ray Stenning on Design in Transport
Ray Stenning believes that design is of fundamental importance but is often misunderstood and undervalued in transport. He joins me to discuss what it is, and why it matters
Katy Taylor on customer focus
The bus strategy is great but the Williams-Shapps review is not. In her last few weeks at Go Ahead, Katy Taylor talks candidly
Horace Dediu on micromobility
Horace Dediu doesn’t just “get” micromobility, he invented the very word “Micromobility”!
Brianne Eby on congestion pricing
Brianne Eby is an expert in global transport policy at Enotrans in Washington DC and author of a major study in congestion pricing
Charles Read on History, crises and change
Charles Read specialises in history, economics, travel and crises. We explore the rebound from Covid, historic crises and past transitions
Dyan Crowther on Running Railways
With experience of running two types of franchise, a region of Network Rail and HS1, my guest Dyan Crowther is the ideal person to talk to about the post-Williams future.
Professor Alex Edmans on Purpose in Business
Professor Alex Edmans focuses on capitalism and social purpose. What can we learn about the world of transport?
Sir Michael Holden on the Williams Review
Now we finally know what the Williams Shapps Plan says, I get together with Sir MIchael Holden to discuss it
You can subscribe to The Freewheeling Podcast at Apple or Google Podcasts.